A few good deals but nothing too exciting to me!
I may skip it!

Go here to see the deals.
Here's my plan!
Edit -- My plan might be turned up side down... I've been told that the Chip's Ahoy arn't on sale 2/$5. as it says... They may be 2/$7. which isn't as good a deal. Check your store to be sure.
trans 1 --
1.50 -oreo cakesters - $2.50 -$1.MQ get 3 RR
1.50 - same
1.50 - same
.65 - Hefty one zip 3.29 bogo - 2- $1./1 MQ
.65 - same
-$1. overage- Dry Idea .99 with 7 day Q - $2. printable
(Note to get overage give 7 day Q last)
Free - Johnson's baby powder - $2./2 get 1 RR
Free - same
$3.30 + tax get 4 RR back (3 RR Cakesters, 1 RR baby powder)
Trans 2
2.99 St Ives body wash get 3 RR (use $1.50MQ to get overage)
I used all mine at KMart...
.35 filler
-3 RR from before
.35 cents get 3 RR back
trans 3
2.50 chips ahoy buy 2 get 3 RR
2.50 same
-$1. overage for Dry Idea (like above)
- 3 RR
-1 RR
pay tax - get 3 RR back
trans 4 - could do another St. Ives
2.50 chips ahoy
2.50 chips ahoy
-3 RR
$2. oop -- No RR because I paid with a chips ahoy RR
Total around $6. for 4 chips ahoy, 2 cakesters, 2 dry ideas, 1 st. ives, 2 Heftys, 2 baby powders.
You could keep rolling the Chips Ahoy and the St. Ives and pay $2. + tax each time. If you have the St. Ives MQ -- only .50 cents!!!
Anyone see anything I missed???