To see the matchups visit
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Awesome CVS Trip!! 6/21
Ummm total for all this $0.00 oop!!!
I did not even pay them 1 penny...
This is the 6/21 sale.
Did you know that most CVS's start their sale on Saturday night? I think ours usually starts around 6pm. If you try it, just ask them when you go in if they're on next week's sale.
ECB should print just fine!
For this deal I paid with 25 ecb and got back 24 so everything here cost me 1 ecb!!
To see all the CVS deals go here.
I used a $10/$50. (I love those, even tho I rarely get them)
I thought I would let you know exactly what I got in case you have a $10./$50. and don't know how to maximize it. Keep in mind if you don't have around 25 ecb right now this deal will cost you more oop this time. I usually like to keep around 25 ecb to work with. And at my CVS they never expire so I never have to worry about rolling them. It makes it very easy.
Here's what I got
$2.49 -- Thermacare wrap -- get 2.49 ecb
$2.49 -- Thermacare wrap -- get 2.49 ecb
$2.49 -- "" "" -- get 2.49 ecb -- lmt 2
$13.99 -- Almay Pure blend foundations -- get 10 ecb
$1.33 -- 2 Lt pepsi product -- buy 3 get 1 ecb
$1.33 -- ""
$1.33 -- ""
$1.33 -- "" got a 4th b/c saw a hang tag MQ buy 4 get $1. off
$1.00 -- Soy Joy bars buy 4 get 4 ecb
$1. -- ""
$1. -- ""
$1. -- ""
$1. -- Soy Joy buy 4 get 4 ecb
$1. -- ""
$1. -- ""
$1. -- ""
$1.49 Sobe bogo sale
$0. Sobe
$1.49 Sobe bogo sale
$0. Sobe
$5.36 -- 8 Milky Way Bars -- (you can substitute here)
$1.99 -- milk -- you can substitute here
$1.99 -- Milk
$1.50 -- Starburst -- sub here
$1.50 -- ""
$2.99 Revlon product
over $50. I don't have the total
Coupons used...
-10. $10./$50.
-.66 free candy bar MQ
-$1.00 Almay MQ
-$1. Soyjoy MQ bogo
-$1. ""
-$1. ""
-$1. ""
-$1. Pepsi $1. off hangtag
-$1.49 sobe bogo
-$1.50 Thermacare MQ
-$1.50 Thermacare MQ
-$3.00 Revlon CVS coupon
-$3.99 ecb
-$3.99 ecb
-$4. ecb
-$10. ecb
-$2.98 adjusted down .02
$0.00 not even tax!!!! 32 items!!
I was so excited... got my coupon high for the week.
Hubby was excited too since it was all very usable and
mostly treat items.
Please feel free to ask questions,
that's why I'm here!!
Daily Dose
Friday, June 19, 2009
Earn Cash Back with Ebates!
I signed up several years ago, but forgot all about it!
Basically if you buy stuff online and go through them, you earn a percentage of your purchase in cash back. It's not a lot, typically between 1%-4% but it can add up quick. And it's for doing nothing except starting your shopping at their site!
Go here to sign up and earn $5. instantly!
It's easy and quick to join all you need is an email address!
Beautiful2God Giveaway!
Weekly Groceries $55. Budget
Total for this picture was
And at Kroger I spent $21.95 for 34 items (46% savings)
Total $49.21 for 69 items or .71 cents per item.
I also spent $2.xx at Walgreens and a few dollars at CVS.
BTW don't miss the CVS money maker!!!
I will not be hitting Butcher Bob's this week since I've used up our budget and I have plenty of meat to get through!
So that's it, nothing too exciting this week
How'd you do??
For more grocery pix visit grocerycartchallenge
Free Paint

Starting June 25 Glidden is giving away free quarts of paint!
Just pick your color and they'll send you one!
More details to come,
More details to come,
I hope it turns out as easy as they say.
thanks freebies4mom
Loving Our Husbands...

"Loving my Husband Friday"
with Shannon at The Peer Review!
To see the first 36 ways to Love your husband go here
37. Help your husband to be the Spiritual head at home (without “lording” it over him).
38. Reserve some energy for him so you’re not so tired when he wants you sexually.
39. Don’t expect him to do projects beyond his natural capabilities.
For more ways to Love your Husband
go here and link up!
go here and link up!
Daily Dose
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sunday's Coupon Inserts
My Favorites
buy any 10 Kool Aid Packets save $2. on sugar!!
Kraft Salad Dressing -- $1./1
Reddi Whip -- $1./2
Rayovac batteries -- $1./1
Garnier Fructis -- $1./1
Quaker Granola bars -- $1./2
Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs -- $1./2
Oust -- $2./1
Hot Money Maker at CVS!!
$8.02 Money Maker!!!
At CVS this week if you buy 2 Style Science Lens Cleansing Cloths for .99 cents each you should get a $10 ecb back! -- limit one set
$8.02 Money Maker!!! (Or as I see it FREE MILK)!!!
I just tried it and it worked perfectly, however I never would have thought this was the right product if I didn't have the UPC # with me. No where, that I see, on the package does it say Style Science.
So look for this package and this UPC #
0 300 48 47128 9
They were located on the sunglasses rack in the front of the store.
Also reported UPC that work are (I haven't tried these and didn't see them)
8 83019 00550 7
0 30048 47129 6
0 30048 47129 6
Happy Hunting
Thanks Deal Seeking Mom
Random Question of the Week...
Which side of the bed do you sleep on.
Right or the Left???
Standing at the foot board looking at the bed,
I sleep on the Left!
I've always been curious if most women sleep on a certain side or if it's completely random.....
I've always been curious if most women sleep on a certain side or if it's completely random.....
If you have a random question you want answered,
leave it with your answer and I'll work it in and ask it one of these Thursdays!!
Things I Love Thursday
Daily Dose
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
See Kai Run Shoes Review and Giveaway!
that See Kai Run was going to send my little one a
brand new pair of shoes!
3 Things set their shoes apart
** Ultra-Flexible soles
** Soft leather
** Wide toe box

These shoes are made from Sheepskin leather. They are so soft and completely bendable. You can wipe them clean and they have held up beautifully. I'm sure this is a pair he'll be able to pass on to another little boy when he grows out of them.
This company has a cool story behind them too...
She gave birth to a little boy named Kai in 2002. Two years later she launched the company "See Kai Run". How cool!! She saw the need for comfortable and flexible shoes for her little guys feet to grow in. I believe she did a great job!
To meet Kai and read more visit here!
They have 2 lines of shoes. The "Smaller" line has shoes that
go up to size 18 mo.
and the "See Kai Run" line goes up to size toddler 9.
If you're looking for bigger sizes they also have link to a sister company called "Eleven" on their website.
The Giveaway!!!
Yep See Kai Run has generously agreed to have a giveaway!
If you are the winner you will get to pick
any pair you'd like from either their "Smaller" line or the
"See Kai Run " line.
If you don't have kids that can wear size toddler 9 or smaller still enter and just give them away! I'd be thrilled if someone just handed me a pair of shoes for my kiddo!
Okay, to enter do one or all of the following...
Leave me a separate comment for each one you do
Open to US and Canada only
1. Join "See Kai Run's" Email list here (at bottom)
2. Tell me which cute shoes you would choose if you won!
3. Follow my blog or tell me you do
4. Twitter or Facebook about giveaway
5. Add my button or tell me you have it
6. Subscribe to my blog or tell me you do
7. Blog about this giveaway
This giveaway will end June 30 at 8pm est.
One winner will be chosen via
Good Luck!
To make a comment and enter, scroll to the end of the comments and click "post a comment"
Wordless Wednesday
She was in heaven!
She rode for over 2 hours and loved every moment of it.
Of course now she wants a horse even worse than before!
Thanks for making her day Dawn!
For more Wordless go here!
or not so wordless...
In His Word Wednesday -- Commit
Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed.
The Lord works out everything for his own ends--
even the wicked for a day of disaster.
If we put everything into God's hands and commit it to him,
it's a great comfort to know that however it turns out,
it is how the Lord wanted.
I try to pray daily that the Lord's will be done, not mine.
What has God been teaching you lately.
Do you have a prayer request?
Do you have a Bible verse that has stuck out to you?
Even just words of encouragement.
I would love to hear from you!
Just post on your blog, then come back here and sign the linky below.
(You are welcome to use my banner if you'd like)
You can even just leave your words or prayer request here as a comment. We'd love to know how to pray for you. If you don't want to elaborate just let us know you have an unspoken prayer request. We can still pray for you because God already knows!!
Do you have a prayer request?
Do you have a Bible verse that has stuck out to you?
Even just words of encouragement.
I would love to hear from you!
Just post on your blog, then come back here and sign the linky below.
(You are welcome to use my banner if you'd like)
You can even just leave your words or prayer request here as a comment. We'd love to know how to pray for you. If you don't want to elaborate just let us know you have an unspoken prayer request. We can still pray for you because God already knows!!
Have a great Wednesday!
Daily Dose
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Kroger 6-16

Kroger has very few coupon matchups this week.
They are having a 10/$10 sale so be sure to check the flyer to see if it's anything you need!
Here's the few things I do see...
GM Cereals -- $2.00 -$1. Cheerios MQ = $1. (this is the one they email you if you signed up a couple months ago.
Bounty Paper towels -- $10./10 - .25MQ (tripled)= .25
Pepsi 2 lts. -- .84 cents each wyb 6
10# potatoes -- $2.98
Do you see anything else??
Very Short list!
Walgreens Trip and Story!
My total today at Walgreens $2.84

btw -- Chips Ahoy rang up 2/$5. NOT 2/$7. like the tag says (at least at mine)-- you'll also get a $3. Catalina for buying 2 packs = SWEET DEAL!!
trans. 1
$2.50 Chips Ahoy
$2.50 Chips Ahoy
$3.79 Dry Idea
$3.79 Dry Idea
$3.79 Dry Idea
-$8.40 Dry Idea 7 day Q in their flyer
-2. Dry Idea printable MQ
-2. Dry Idea MQ
-2. ""
.21 tax
paid $2.18 got $3. catalina coupon back
2nd trans.
1.29 envelopes
1.29 envelopes
1.29 envelopes
3.29 Hefty one zip
3.29 ''
-$3.29 Hefty sale bogo
-$1.87 Walgreens 7 day Q for envelopes (in flyer)
-$1. MQ for Hefty
-$1. MQ for Hefty
-$3. catalina from before
.29 cents
.37 tax
.66 cents
I didn't realize that the Chips Ahoy rang up 2/$5. until I got home. Now I wish I would have stuck with my original plan... oh well
Funny Story --
As soon as my cashier saw that I had $2. Dry Idea coupons she stopped. "I can't do that" she said. "What, you can't take my coupons" I asked. She said "Well are you using the .99 cent Walgreens coupon"? "Yes" I replied. She said "well then I can't take your coupons, I can't take a $2. coupon off of a .99 cent item." Me "Yea you can this coupon is worth $2. and it doesn't matter what sale the store is running". Her "No I won't do it, I turned someone else down earlier." Me "Oh well then just cancel my whole order because this coupon is worth $2., your store is GOING to get paid $2. from this company." Her " Well we can't do it... I'll call the manager and he can explain it to you". "Okay that would be great" I said. Manager comes, we explain and he says "Yea we can do that, why can't we. I would want to be able to use it if it were my coupon. Did the register not take it?" I said "She didn't try" . So he did the transaction with out any problems. All the while she's standing behind him saying "I just don't understand".
The thing she really doesn't understand is that I was calmly and "happily" going to walk out of there purchasing NOTHING, which means Walgreens lost money.
Sometimes cashiers think they're looking out for their store by not accepting coupons when actually they're costing them money. It's like they're refusing cold hard cash. Which is what a coupon is to a store!!
Hmm was I on my soap box??? I guess I'm writing a book...
I'm glad I'm blessed with good manager's, he could have just as easily been as clueless as she and deny using my coupons!
If you're new I tell you this story so that you can be aware that you will be questioned and sometimes denied when you shouldn't be. Explain as I did and hopefully it will work out. If not, just smile and know that another deal is on the Horizon!! Or look for another store with a different manager!!!
Anyone else have any "Fun" coupon experiences lately??
Free DiGiorno Flat Bread Melt!

My request went through just fine!
Does that look delicious or am I just hungry!!
Thanks It's Hip to Save!
New Cellfire Coupons!!
Kroger or Kroger Affiliate Card!!
Go here to load them now!
My favorites are
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks-- .50/2
Betty Crocker Frosting -- .50/1
Fiber One Bars -- .40/1
Chex Mix -- .50/1
Betty Crocker Warm Delights -- .50/1
Yo Plus Yogurt 4 pack -- $1.00/1 (woohoo!!)
Chex Mix bars -- .60/1
Be sure to load them on your card here or
click on my left sidebar!
If you've never used the Cellfire coupons, they're great!! Just load them to your card then after you buy the exact item, the money will come off automactially at checkout! You don't have to remember coupons!!
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