I received the opportunity to try out
Learning Link Technologies brain retraining program!
This program is for all sorts of learning Disabilities.
From their site...
- 1 in 5 has dyslexia
- 1 in 100 has autism
- There are over 1 million diagnosed with ADD/ADHD
- There are over 2.9 million students in Special Education
And this was a wake up call to me....
You Can’t Fix Poor Academics with More Academics.Did you know that the brain can be rewired for learning? Which in turn leads to academic success. And this is all done through simple, repetitive exercises that build new neural pathways in the brain.***
My 12 yr old son is my main target with this program.
I do believe that he has Dyslexia.
He is not a great reader, often switches letters around,
hates to sound out words, several other
dyslexia symptoms,
but probably the biggest one is VERY POOR spelling skills.
I gave him their assessment test
here (pdf form
here)and he definitely missed more than he should have
and there was several signs that made it obvious!
I have only used the 1st month of this program, so
I've not seen much of an improvement yet.
The company says is usually takes a good 3 months to see results.
I am hoping to be able to continue to use
this program and give you updates
every 2 months or so. If you have a child
that is struggling with learning, I would definitely
recommend visiting their site
here and checking it out.
They have tons of info on there that might shed some
light on a way to help your child out too!
I can't wait to see these results... (from their site)
When you sign up for the Brain Training System
and follow the simple directions given, your child will experience: - Increased self-confidence
- Higher test scores
- Grade level achievement
- Increase in reading comprehension and fluency
- Grades that soar
- Writing that becomes legible and organized
- Increase in focusing abilities
- The ability to understand and perform math equations and problems
- The ability to spell words correctly
Disclaimer -- I was sent a free copy of this program... All
opinions in this review are my own!