Hi everyone!! I'm still in the living and our family is
doing just fine!! (well as fine as we get!!)
I appreciate you all being patient with me while I take
a bloggy break!! There just isn't enough hours in the day
to do it all! Blogging was becoming more like a job than a
hobby and I never wanted that!!
I enjoy blogging very much and am hoping to get back on
some sort of schedule soon. I'll probably never post daily like I
used to but I do hope to at least post several times a week!
So here's our meal plan for the week.Monday -- Pancakes and smoky links
Tuesday -- Meatballs, potatoes, green beans, applesauce
Wednesday -- BLT's and Fruit Smoothies (YUM!!)
Thursday -- Grilled chicken, potatoes, veggie, and applesauce
Friday -- Birthday Party for my youngest! -- hamburgers, brats, hot dogs, pasta salad, mac and cheese (his favorite!), and chips-- Homemade Chocolate cake with homemade icecream (YUMYUMYUMYUM!!)
Saturday -- Homemade Pizza
Sunday -- Not sure??? Leftovers??
For more menu ideas visit
Have a great week! It's going to be a HOT one around here!