Hi Everyone!
I will be gone in October for 15 days to a huge Festival. We sell Country/Primitive items, potpourri, oil candles, ect. Every year in October we go to the
Covered Bridge Festival in Parke County Indiana (hour west of Indy). I would love to schedule a few guest posters since I will have VERY limited internet for those 15 days.
If you are interested in Guest Posting here
just send me an emaildailyessentialsanddeals@gmail .com (remove spaces)I just edited my email --My brain must be fried. If you emailed me before 11:30 am please email me again! I promise this is the right address now!!!At this point I don't need to know exactly what you will write about just that you are interested. We will then work out the details via email.
Here are some simple ideas you could guest post about...
** Recipes
** Homeschooling tips or your schedule or ideas
** Couponing tips
** Your couponing story --how you got started or how much you're saving
** Grocery Shopping tips in general
** How you save without coupons
** Household recipe you use and love
** Family Fun ideas
** Favorite Bible verse
** Gardening tips or ideas
** Decorating Ideas
** Christmas Shopping ideas
** Budgeting for Christmas
** Fun ideas for Toddlers
** Cloth Diapering - how it works for you
** How you meal plan
** Household organizing tips
These are only ideas.
You can write about something different too.
When I post your entry I will of course put links back to your blog so it might bring a few new readers your way!!! If you don't have a blog you can still be a guest poster!
I'd love to hear from by this weekend if you're interested! I won't need your actual story until the last week in September. Remember your story or blog post doesn't have to be long or in depth. I know I love reading about how others run their household and I'm sure many others do to!!
Thanks so much for considering!
Looking forward to hearing from you!!