Saturday, January 16, 2010
Walgreens/ CVS 1-17
Meijer - 45 items!!! $4.25

wonderful week at Meijer.
They were out of the Free Cottage Cheese
but I won't complain!
If you haven't made it there, you might want
to visit them!! Sale ends today...
I got all this pictured for $4.25
These are the trips you just shake your
head in disbelief, but love every minute of it!!
I did 3 quick transactions.
Trans. 1
buy 4 BC fruit snacks paid $1.18 (after coupons)
got back $2.50 Catalina
Trans 2
buy 4 more BC Fruit Snacks paid .58 cents
(different coupons)
got back $2.50 Catalina
Trans. 3
Everything else you see pictured
(used the 2 Catalina's from above)
Only paid $2.49
Total $4.25 for 45 items
including many very useful items like
potatoes, carrots, yogurt, tortilla shells,
spaghetti, and salad
I really wish there were more weeks like this!!
Total Grocery $$ for the month
Haiti Relief

I'm a little behind since I was gone
most of yesterday....
Money Saving Mom has put together a
great post here on ways we can all help Haiti.
We can't give much but we did text "Haiti" to 90999
it was easy to do and every little bit helps!
(if you do this it means you donate $10. to the
Red Cross specifically for Haiti)
I encourage you to visit her blog here
and see if you can help in some way too!
Be sure to leave your link at Money Saving Mom
because Crystal and her hubby are personally giving
$10. for each person that links what they did.
And be sure to pray for Haiti, that's something
everyone can do for sure!
Sign Up Saturday...

Bountiful Giveaways in Blogland!
Welcome to Sign-Up Saturday!
If you are having a giveaway on your blog, link up below!!
Link directly to your giveaway page. Please make sure it's family friendly!
Also if you've found a good deal or a freebie
link up for that too. That way we don't miss any great deals!!If you are having a giveaway on your blog, link up below!!
Link directly to your giveaway page. Please make sure it's family friendly!
Also if you've found a good deal or a freebie
I will be starting up some giveaways soon
It's been a long break, but I'm excited
to begin giveaways again!!!
Have a great Weekend!!!
Daily Dose
Friday, January 15, 2010
Walgreens Trip - WOW!!!
I told you I'd let you know how I used the $13. RR I got
free last week at Walgreens.... So here it goes
I turned the $13. RR plus $7.99 oop
into this...
free last week at Walgreens.... So here it goes
I turned the $13. RR plus $7.99 oop
into this...
btw -- if you know of anyone who
says that they just don't use anything that
coupons are good for...
You may want them to take a look at this picture...!!!
Do they use tissues, toilet paper, bacon,
medicine, toothpaste, milk, oatmeal????
btw -- if you know of anyone who
says that they just don't use anything that
coupons are good for...
You may want them to take a look at this picture...!!!
Do they use tissues, toilet paper, bacon,
medicine, toothpaste, milk, oatmeal????

Yep if you remember, last week I paid .81 cents for this (top pic)
and they gave me back $13. in RR.
So this week I did 3 transactions and paid
them $7.99 for everything pictured!
($2.99 of that was tax)
Hubby was waiting for me in the car and I could hardly carry
the bags. I told him less than 8 bucks!! My smile said it all!!!
Okay so how
Trans 1...
used my last Bayer coupon (sniff)
bought 1 Bayer Meter for $14.99
used $30./1 MQ
they adjusted it to $14.99
Total .90 tax
got back another $5. RR
Triaminic $5.00
Triaminic $5.00
Thermacare - $2.49
Oscar Mayer Bacon $3.00
" " $3.00
Colgate -- $2.59
Coupons --
-$3.00 Triaminic
-$2. Triaminic
-.75 Colgate
-$5.00 RR from last week
-$5. RR
-$3.00 RR
$2.33 subtotal
.90 tax
got back
$5. RR Triaminic, $2.50 RR Thermacare,
$2. RR Colgate, $1. RR Bacon
(still had $5. RR from Trans 1)
Trans 3
Kleenex x6 = 7.14
Scott -- $6.99
Scott -- $6.99
Quaker Oats -- $3.00
" " -- $3.00
Knee Highs -- .25 (filler)
Knee Highs -- .25
Milk -- $1.99
store coupon -- $3.00 Quaker oats
store coupon -- $2.40 Tissues
MQ-- $1.50 Scott toilet paper
MQ -- $1.50 "" ""
MQ -- .50/3 tissues
MQ -- .50/3 tissues
MQ-- $1.00 Quaker
MQ-- $1.00 Quaker
All the RR's -- $15.50
Subtotal -- $2.71
tax -- $1.15
Total $3.86
.90 trans 1
$3.23 trans 2
$3.86 trans 3
***I love the Contour Coupons!!!***
That puts my Monthly total to
I'm planning a little trip to Meijer tonight
I'll hopefully report on that tomorrow afternoon!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
CVS Trip

I know it doesn't look like much but
it was practically FREE!!! (pd. tax)
and I can go back and do it again!
I love free milk!!
This week Oust is $3.99
if you buy one you get $3. ECB back
buy 2 and use the b1g1 MQ from a couple weeks
ago and you'll pay $3.99 and get 6 ECB back
$2. overage!!!
Milk is on sale here for $2.49 and get a
.50 cent ECB back.
So use the $2. overage to cover the milk
EVERYTHING'S FREE!!!! (except tax)
My Actual Receipt looked like this
Oust $3.99
Oust $3.99
Milk $2.49
-$3.99 b1g1 MQ Oust
-$2.00 ECB I used
-$4.00 ECB I used
paid .48 cents plus .56 cents tax
Total $1.04
Got back .50 ECB and $6.00 ECB.
So I used $6. ECB and got back $6.50 ECB
Net -- Paid only Tax of .48 cents!!!
Note -- The Oust deal is a limit of 6 but you
can only do 3 in one transaction. That means
you should only use 1 b1g1 Coupon per transaction in
order to maximize your savings!!
New Hair Cut!
Don't be afraid to try cutting your own kids hair!!
It can save you tons of $$$$!!
I have always cut my 3 boys hair and hubby's too.
But I've never attempted to cut
my daughter's hair until today!!
I didn't plan to, but she kept saying she wanted it cut so
I gave it a try!
Before picture...
(with wet hair)
It can save you tons of $$$$!!
I have always cut my 3 boys hair and hubby's too.
But I've never attempted to cut
my daughter's hair until today!!
I didn't plan to, but she kept saying she wanted it cut so
I gave it a try!
Before picture...
(with wet hair)

And the after pictures...
It only took about 25 minutes.
It's not perfect, but she loves it and that's
pretty much all that matters to me!
**well that and the fact that I saved $15. **

The back view.
If you're afraid of a scissors like me,
try using a razor blade. I think it's something
new, at least I have never heard of it until my
beautician used it on me.
I didn't have a real one so I just used a household
razor blade and it worked great. (I used a scissors occasionally
to clean up an area)
You can read about the razor cut here.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Kroger 1-12 or 1-14

I'm sorry I haven't been reporting kroger
very well for all of you.
Since my favorite store closed I don't go
to Kroger nearly as often.
I do however still keep my eye on them and
visit once in awhile.
Here is a great site that has the deals and
coupon matchups along with many printables
I'll try to give you the link each week.
note-- Kroger differs by region so be sure to check
your local ad. Also if you're local (around northern Indiana)
this is the ad that most likely will start Thursday or maybe
started on Tuesday for you.
very well for all of you.
Since my favorite store closed I don't go
to Kroger nearly as often.
I do however still keep my eye on them and
visit once in awhile.
Here is a great site that has the deals and
coupon matchups along with many printables
I'll try to give you the link each week.
note-- Kroger differs by region so be sure to check
your local ad. Also if you're local (around northern Indiana)
this is the ad that most likely will start Thursday or maybe
started on Tuesday for you.
Free 8x10 Walgreens Collage - Today only

Become a fan of Walgreens on
facebook and you'll be able to get a
free 8x10 collage shipped free to the store of your choice!
Visit here to see how!
**I just did this and it worked beautifully**
Thanks Freebies4mom
Wordless Wednesday...
Snowy Day Fun!!

It looks like our 2-3 weeks of snow is
going to slowly melt away very soon...
I'm sure it'll be back soon enough!
For more Wordless Wednesday pics
visit here...
Free Samples!

Go here to get a free 6 pack sample of
Taster's choice coffee
thanks Money Saving Mom
and Frugalista Cafe
In His Word Wednesday
will Always be...
Revelation 1:8
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."
Revelation 21:6
He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.
Revelation 22:13
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
What has God been teaching you lately.
Do you have a prayer request?
Do you have a Bible verse that has stuck out to you?
Do you have a Bible verse that has stuck out to you?
You can just leave your link, words, or prayer request here as a comment. We'd love to know how to pray for you. If you don't want to elaborate just let us know you have an unspoken prayer request. We can still pray for you because God already knows!!Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Homemade Hambuger/ Hot Dog Buns
Get ready to laugh at me!!
I sure did!!
I sure did!!

If you think these hamburger buns look a little funny, here's the story!!
I decided to make hamburger buns. The recipe said it made 16 buns. So in my very small little brain I figured that meant that I need to make 32 buns. You know a top and bottom to each bun. So that is what's shown in the picture. I was very proud and they tasted very yummy! Since I was done I went on with my day and began Science class with the kids. About 20 minutes later I looked in the kitchen and burst out laughing...
I'm sure you all can figure it out. I should have made 16 thicker buns and cut them in half!! DUH!!!! Okay so now I know!!!
Note: hubby really liked putting one on top and one on bottom when we had hamburgers, so I guess it wasn't so bad after all!
I was determined to do it right, so the next day I made more....
Here's closer to how they should look...

We loved the buns so much I made some of them into hot dog buns too! I have a little work to do on completely shaping them perfectly but it's a start!!
Best thing is that it's one more thing each week that I don't have to buy and they're so much better tasting than the cheap store bought kind!

Oh and did I mention it really is very simple to do.
Here's the recipe I used.
1 1/4 cup warm milk
1 egg
6 T butter
3 T sugar
4 cups bread flour
2 tsp. salt
1 T yeast (1 pkg)
Mix warm milk and yeast, beat in egg. Add butter, sugar, salt -- Mix well -- Add flour 1 cup at a time. Put on a floured surface and knead a few times. Put in greased bowl and let it rise until double. (cover with towel)
Divide into shapes (hamburger or hot dog buns) and put on cookie sheet or pan -- let it rise again until double.
Bake at 375 degrees
15-20 minutes
I took a combination of this recipe and this recipe
to make it work for me!
Daily Dose
Monday, January 11, 2010
More Deals at Walgreens and Meijer

Check out a few more Meijer deals here.
Including a Money Maker on Betty Crocker
Fruit Snacks and free salad!
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