Here's another item crossed off my list.
Another item that I won't buy from the store

Seriously do you know how EASY it is
to make your own pancake syrup???
Here's the simple recipe I used and best of all
it only takes 4 ingredients plus water...
Homemade Maple Syrup
(makes about 1 pint)
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup hot water
1/2 tsp. maple flavoring
1 tsp corn starch
In saucepan boil 1 cup water.
Add both sugars and cornstarch.
Return to a boil stirring often with a whisk.
Remove from heat and add maple flavoring.
That's it!!! I put it in a quart jar and dip it
with a ladle. Works Perfect!!
My daughter of course thought she wouldn't like it because
it was "homemade" So I gave her a taste test....
SHE COULDN'T TELL which was which and loved it!!!
Hubby said it was very good and basically
tastes exactly like the store bought.
I'm so excited that we can say goodbye to
another store product that has high fructose corn syrup
and 10 other ingredients that I can't even pronounce!