If you're new to Menards here's the run down on how the rebates work.
*Menards sometimes offers Free after Rebate items. The last several weeks there have been 4-5 items each week. Most of them are limits of 1-5 each!
*Simply go to the store gather up the items. They are usually all over the store in the departments the item would normally be found in. They will have stickers in front of the item advertising the Free after Rebate price.
*For the Free items you will also need to purchase an additional $10. worth of items that are not rebated. If you do not need anything you can get a Menards gift card for future purchases. Also remember that Menards has a pretty big food section and last I checked their prices were pretty decent.
*After you check out be sure to pick up the rebate cards by the door. You will need 1 rebate card for each different item you purchased. So if you got 2 boot trays you need 1 card for that rebate. If you forget to pick the up the rebate card don't worry you can print them at home here.
*When you get home you simply have to put an address label on each card and match it up with the rebate receipt that printed at the bottom of your receipt. You can put all the rebates in the same envelope as long as they are going to the same location. (I have never had one that went somewhere different.) I also make a copy of the rebate receipts for my records just in case I don't get one.
*That's it! In a few weeks (6-8) you should begin getting the rebates in the mail. It's important to note that the Rebates can only be spent at Menards. They are not real checks they are Merchandise checks for Menards. This isn't a big deal to me since I plan on using the rebates to buy more free stuff at Menards. Kinda like we all use ECB at CVS...Same idea!
**Once you begin getting your rebate checks please note that you do not have to spend the check all at one time. They will scan the check and it will automatically save the rest for next time. They will also write the amount left, on the check for your records. Thanks to my wonderful readers for that tip!
Please e-mail me or leave a comment if you have any questions!