Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sign Up Saturday...

Welcome to Sign-Up Saturday!
If you are having a giveaway on your blog, link up below!!
Link directly to your giveaway page. Please make sure it's family friendly!
Also if you've found a good deal or a freebie
link up for that too. That way we don't miss any great deals!!If you are having a giveaway on your blog, link up below!!
Link directly to your giveaway page. Please make sure it's family friendly!
Also if you've found a good deal or a freebie
I have 3 giveaways going on now.
If you have a few minutes be sure to sign up!
1. Enter to win a KitchenAid Skillet Set here -- Ends 2/15
2. Rubbermaid Organizer Set -- Ends 2/22
3. Castle Bath Spa Basket -- Ends 2/25
Have a great Weekend!!
Daily Dose
Friday, February 12, 2010
Weekly Groceries -- $61.84 for month

I only visited CVS this week. I didn't bother making
my normal 25 minute drive this week to grocery shop.
The sales weren't that good and we got a foot of snow.
It was an easy decision!!!!
So this week I spent $9.95 at CVS.
Totals for the month ....
Week 1-- $51.89
Week 2 -- $9.95
Total $61.84
(I'm feeling much better about
reaching my goal after week 2!!)
Yearly total -- $183.06
Daily Dose
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Kroger 2-9

Kroger is having their Daytona 500 sale.
This means that they have lots of items buy 10
get $3.00 off your order instantly.
I didn't see a whole lot to make a special trip for, but
if you go weekly be sure to check out the deals here.
Castle Bath Spa Products Review and Giveaway

I was excited at the opportunity to do a review and giveaway
for Castle Baths Spa Products.
What a refreshing and unique company they are.
Here are some exciting facts about their company...
-- Faith Based
-- Family Owed and Operated
-- All Products Hand Made
-- Approved Green
-- Natural Spa and Bath Products

She generously sent me the
Prayer Bath and Body Spa Bath gift Basket with tub.
I loved that it had a Bible verse on the label of each product!
It smelled so good and the body spray left me feeling very soft.
She has so many great Spa gift baskets.
These would make great unique gifts!
She is also willing to give one of you a gift basket of her choice!
What an exciting surprise it will be for the winner!
(US Entries Only)
Here's how to enter...
Mandatory Entry --
1. Visit Castle Bath here and tell us your favorite item.
Extra Entries --
2. Follow Castle Baths on Twitter
3. Follow Castle Baths on Facebook
4. Follow me (or tell me you do)
5. Blog about this give away (leave link)
6. Twitter about giveaway (can do once per day)
Be sure to leave a separate comment for each
item you do. (Up to 6 or more if you Twitter daily)
Thanks to MommyPR & Castle Baths Spa Products
for this Review and Giveaway opportunity.
This Giveaway will end February 25 at 8pm.
1 winner will be chosen using
Good Luck!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
In His Word Wednesday
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
My footnotes say..
Christian character is produced by the Holy Spirit, not by the mere discipline of trying to live by law. The indwelling Holy Spirit produces Christian virtues in the believer's life.
In the coming weeks I think I'll take these "fruits of the spirit" one by one and look up verses on each one.
I think as humans it's impossible to have these "fruits" all the time , but we should strive and improve ourselves toward that goal with the Holy Spirit's help!!
Prayer Request --
My mom made it to the Dominican.
Pray for continued safety and that God's will be done.
~Thank-you for your prayers~
I think as humans it's impossible to have these "fruits" all the time , but we should strive and improve ourselves toward that goal with the Holy Spirit's help!!
What has God been teaching you lately.
Do you have a prayer request?
Do you have a Bible verse that has stuck out to you?
Do you have a Bible verse that has stuck out to you?
You can just leave your link, words, or prayer request here as a comment. We'd love to know how to pray for you. If you don't want to elaborate just let us know you have an unspoken prayer request. We can still pray for you because God already knows!!Prayer Request --
My mom made it to the Dominican.
Pray for continued safety and that God's will be done.
~Thank-you for your prayers~
Daily Dose

Verses 16-19
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Breakfast Burritos
Here's a recipe that isn't a bread recipe!!
I'm always looking for ways to make a good
breakfast for hubby that doesn't involve a lot of
work in the early morning. I was excited to find this idea
over at Amy's Finer things
Breakfast Burritos!!
I'm always looking for ways to make a good
breakfast for hubby that doesn't involve a lot of
work in the early morning. I was excited to find this idea
over at Amy's Finer things
Breakfast Burritos!!

version of what Amy did. (see her recipe here)
Here's what I did...
1. I simply made scrambled eggs with sausage and cheese.

4. Wrapped them in a paper towel and then
in a piece of foil. I then put them in a ziploc bag
and stuck them in the freezer.
In the morning, I pulled 1 out. Took off the foil and
defrosted/cooked it in the microwave.
For the whole batch
(it made 8 burritos, with a few eggs left over)
I used 13 eggs
1 cup cheese
1/2 lb sausage
and 1 package tortilla shells
Not only did hubby like them but
several of the kids did too!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Free 6 mo. Magazine subscription

Go here to Focus on the Family
to sign up for a free 6 mo subscription to
Thriving Family Magazine!
Just scroll to the bottom of the page
and you should see it.
thanks Money Saving Mom
Rubbermaid 6 Pc. Drawer Organizer Review and Giveaway

I was so excited when Rubbermaid offered
to send me their brand new
6 pc. interlocking drawer organizer.
Of course I jumped at the chance.
My junk drawer was a little out of control...

((See I told you!!!))
This 6 pc. organizer kit has just been released and let
me tell you, I Love it! When it came, I took about 20 minutes
and turned my junk drawer into this...

What a difference it makes to open it and be able
to immediately find anything I need.
It just makes me feel better to be organized!
I also love that each piece can be hooked together
and it has no slip feet so everything stays in place when
I open and shut the drawer.
I highly recommend their interlocking drawer organizer
to ANYONE who has an out of control drawer.
I've discovered that I could use about 6 more sets...
But that's a problem for another day, so for now
I'll just stare at my nicely organized junk drawer!
Rubbermaid has also generously
offered to give one of these sets away to
one of my awesome readers!

One Winner will receive this
Rubbermaid 6 pc. interlocking Drawer Organizing set.
The giveaway is open to US and Canada only
To enter do one or all of the following
(Leave a separate comment for each one you do.)
1. Visit Rubbermaid and tell us something else you "NEED"!!
2. Become a fan of Rubbermaid on Facebook
3. Twitter about giveaway (can do once per day)
4. Follow my blog (or tell me you do)
5. Tell your facebook friends to come enter
6. Blog about the giveaway (leave link please!)
Be sure to leave a separate comment for each item you do.
Up to 6 comments or more if you Twitter daily.
This giveaway will end on
Feb. 22 at 8pm
Thanks for entering
Meal Plan Monday

Monday -- Tacos and applesauce
Tuesday -- Grilled Chicken, twice baked potatoes, green beans, bread
Wednesday - Chili over baked potatoes and applesauce
Thursday -- Hamburgers, Parmesan French Fries (new recipe!)
Friday -- Dinner with family
Saturday -- Homemade Pizza - I've started making our own pizza sauce! It's soooo EASY -- I will share my recipe soon!! BTW - it only costs about .65 cents compared to $1.10 Chef boyardee!)
Sunday -- Beef Stew Meat with potatoes and carrots (didn't have last week because I forgot about a pizza party at Church!)
That sums it up...
Have a great week!!
Daily Dose

Verses 20-27
My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Put away perversity from yout mouth; keep corrupt talk fora from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Menards 10% Rebate Sale
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