Here's the deals I see at Kroger this week. They are having a pretty big 10/$10 sale, but there are not many coupon matchups to go with it. Depending on what you need you might find some pretty good deals tho. I thought the Kroger cooking spray for $1. was a pretty good deal. That is not something I am well stocked on right now!
Please note, my Kroger triples to .50 cents.
10/$10 deals---you do not have to buy 10 to get $1. deals...
Bounty Paper Towels -- $1. -.25MQ = .25
Land O Lakes cold meat-- $1.
Kroger cooking spray -- $1.
Sobe Life Water -- $1. -.50MQ= FREE
Scotch Brite -- $1. -.75/2MQ= .62 cents
--check ad for more 10/$10.Other Deals...****
Quaker True Delights $1.50 wyb4 -$1.MQ= .50--mix & match
Fiber &Omega granona bars $1.50 wyb4 -$1.MQ=.50--mix & match
Bob Evans gravy-- $2.50 -.50MQ= $1.
Grapes -.97 cents/lb
Kroger mac & cheese --.39 cents
Kraft cheese shreds or bars -- $1.79
Pillsbury --$1.(wyb 4) -.25 MQ= .25 cents
Cottonelle- .99 -.50/2 = .25 cents
That's it, let me know what you see. Just leave a comment if you see a good deal or a coupon matchup!
Don't forget to load coupons directly on your Kroger card
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