Here's my week in a nutshell!
(Actually all this happened today!!!)

Watched a few
(one not pictured) of my nieces
(2 on the right)!
Actually they just played with my kids, very
little watching involved!!
My daughter LOVES to have girls over since she's
stuck with 3 brothers!!

Picked lots of produce! I'm still loving the lettuce and
I enjoyed my first cucumber last week. It lasted 1 meal!
Pictured is 3 big bags of lettuce (had 4 but gave one to my MIL),
4 cucumbers, and a few straggling peas!

Sprouting my next batch of alfalfa sprouts!
More on how to do this coming soon!
These are SOOO Nutritious and Delicious!
Oh and EASY too!!

Figured out that the bees were huddled outside the hive because
we needed to add super to our beehive!
YAY! We might actually get some honey from this hive...
Our other hive is nearly dead...
But Hey 1 for 2 the first year... we'll take it!
Made MORE Granola. Last Thursday I discovered a granola
recipe that Everyone not only likes but LOVES!!
I've made 4 batches in 6 days!!
I don't have time now, but I'll share the recipe next week!
We've also been spending tons of time in the pool. The
lowest high for the coming 7 days is 85*
Sorry no picture... I guess I haven't taken any pool pics
this year yet... What is wrong with me!?!?!?And we're packing up the camper! We'll be going to my mom's
tomorrow for a sort of "Staycation"!
My mom has a hot tub and tons of room to run and play
and my sister who lives next door has
a pool with a ginormous deck.
What more could we want on vacation!!!
Have a good week everyone!
See you next week!