So, do all of you have your
Christmas Cards yet??
Yea probably because you're all on top of your game!
Me?... Well nope not yet!
But soon very soon I'll get that done...
At least I hope, because did you realize Christmas is
only about 24 days away?!?!?
Have you checked out Shutterfly this year?
I discovered that if you're a blogger and blog about
them that they'll give you 50
Christmas Photo Cards for FREE!!!
Turns out that's just what I wanted to pay!!
If that's what you want to pay too, check it out
here.But, HURRY there's not much time!
Even if you're not a blogger you really should check them out.
They have some SERIOUS
Holiday Card choices. I'm really not
sure how on earth we're expected to choose just one.
I seriously love over 100 of them!
Here's two of my favorites...

I really love the scrapbook look where you use
more than 1 photo. But why is it sooo hard for
me to get one photo let alone multiples? One of these years
I'm actually going to get several good pictures to use.... I hope!!
So how do all of you do it?????

I really Love this card! I took the picture of my kids
vertically this year so I don't think I can use it, but I love it!
I'm off to search for my perfect
Christmas Cardscome on over and join me! We can both get this
crossed off our "To do List"
Oh yea, don't forget to do a search for a coupon code. I've
seen several for Shutterfuly floating around the web!