Let me just say that what you're about to see
in these 2 pictures is
I just got some really good deals on
Easter Candy this week!!
Here's what I found!
in these 2 pictures is
I just got some really good deals on
Easter Candy this week!!
Here's what I found!

At some store somewhere in the last month I found .50 cents/2
Cadbury egg coupons. I grabbed about 12 off the huge tear pad!
These came in handy this week because they were on sale 2/$1. plus
when you buy $10. worth you get $3. ECB!!
So I got 20 for $2.00
I also got the toothbrushes which gave me overage.
All totaled I spent $1.40 at CVS (I also used up 2 ECB)

Then at Rite Aid, Covergirl was on sale b1g1. Pair that
with the b1g1 MQ coupon to get them both free!
I had 3 coupons which meant 6 things of makeup FREE.
Better yet since that totaled around $48. I was able to use
a $3./$15. and got all the candy and makeup for $3.34 including tax!
I don't have a picture, but I also stopped in at Kroger
and spent $23.24 for a few essentials like milk, eggs, potatoes,
icecream, and several other items. (Yes icecream is essential!!)
That makes my total this week around $27.98
and the monthly total $81.57
Great job Megan! I'm sure some people were really excoted about the Cadbury's!
Great Job!
Ice cream is an essential item at my house too!
Your going to have to hide that candy if you expect it to stay around till Easter :)
Nice buy on all the make-up I am totally jealous!!
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