Northern Indiana has had a COLD spring.
We've had a few good days sprinkled here and there so
a couple weeks ago I was able to plant
peas, carrots, lettuce, and cabbage.
We've had a few good days sprinkled here and there so
a couple weeks ago I was able to plant
peas, carrots, lettuce, and cabbage.

The strawberries I planted last year grew like mad!!
Hopefully in a month it will grow tons of strawberries and
I can restock my freezer...
I'm almost out!!
I can restock my freezer...
I'm almost out!!

I had 4 very nice cabbage plants until 2 days ago when
the 4-H goats found them and ate 2 1/2 of them...
no seriously I mean,

And my carrots. I planted 2 1/2 rows of it. It's so hard
to see when it's little but I think most of it came up.
Last year I thought carrots were REALLY hard to take
care of so I'm not sure what I was thinking when
I planted so much...
I guess I was thinking it tasted really good out
the the freezer last winter!
So that's it on the garden for now.
I bought 10# of potatoes 2 weeks ago and
they're still sitting in the canning room. I'm REALLY hoping
to get them planted this week.
Then I'll probably wait another week or so to get the rest planted!
Oh I just remembered I forgot about the lettuce I planted.
It's up too, but I forget to get a picture...
Anyone else have a garden going yet?!?!?!?
1 comment:
I just took pictures of our garden a couple days ago, I'll try to share them soon :) Glad to hear things are growing well after all the yuck weather we've had. Yahoo for mushroom hunting as well!! Not much luck here at our house hunting....but it's the hunting that's fun right? Well I don't know the eating is ohhhh so FUN as well!
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