Friday, May 8, 2009

Spring Cleaning -- Outdoor area

This is as good as it gets....
Just don't check back after the weekend.
This area likely won't stay like this for long!!
I guess it's lived in.....
with 4 kids!!!
We're DONE!! (well except for the weeks I failed... shhhh)
Thanks to Sarah at Beautiful2God
for giving us our assignments over the last 10 weeks.
I definitely needed the kick in the rear to get cleaning!
I can't say that I'm sad that this is the last week tho!
I don't enjoy cleaning... seems tooo endless!
Go here to link up for this last week.


Sarah said...

Looks great!

Yeah, stuff doesn't stay cleaned for long at my house either... it actually takes a matter of minutes before a "Spring Cleaned" area, goes from 'great' to 'good golly!'.

Thanks for participating!!!

The Gaertegang Homestead said...

Looks great! I know what you mean about keeping the area clean! ENDLESS is a good word....


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