Friday, May 29, 2009

Loving Our Husbands...

"Loving my Husband Friday"
with Shannon at T
he Peer Review!
To see the first 27 ways to Love your husband go
28. Respect his desire to do well—not his performance.
29. Rub his feet or neck, or scratch his back after a hard day.
30. Take time for the two of you to sit and talk calmly (schedule it when necessary).
For more ways to Love your Husband
go here and link up!


Elizabeth said...

Great ideas Megan....sitting and talking calmly...that would definitely take some planning in our noisy household. Usually once the kids are in bed, we are both ready to collapse, and Rob usually falls asleep after a long day! We sure do have to be purposeful about loving our husbands don't we?

TheAtticGirl said...

I like the idea of respecting his desire to do well and not just judging his performance. Sometimes it's the "thought" that counts, and not the product.

Mominin said...

More great thoughts, Megan. I think the last one is so important...yet so hard with noisy kids running around! (I know you don't have any of those!!). I prayed for you and Shawn. Thanks for linking up.

Shawna and Jon said...

Thank you so much for these words. Sometimes I do feel very overwhelmed with having "to do" everything, and you put in the perfect perspective for me! I need to remember to honor him more and talk a lot less. Thank you so much!


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