Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sign Up Saturday...

Welcome to Sign-Up Saturday!
If you are having a giveaway on your blog, link up below!!
Link directly to your giveaway page. Please make sure it's family friendly!
Also if you've found a good deal or a freebie
link up for that too. That way we don't miss any great deals!!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Can you believe this....

We flew to Orlando! When we landed and were exiting the plane,
the pilot asked the boys if they wanted to see the cockpit...
Uh, yea we do!
I grabbed my camera, of course, and the boys checked it out!

The pilot put his hat on Micah and showed Chi how the
seat moved back and forth!

After this picture the pilot even showed Micah how
pilots wear their hats and pulled it way down in front on him!!

He had to be the coolest pilot ever to give that
experience to the boys and me the awesome pictures!

What a way to start the week!
Anyone ever see a passenger pilot do that??

Sunday, February 6, 2011

We're back!!

I love this picture!!
Pure JOY!!

Everything was AWESOME and the
sun felt soooooo good!!
Too bad we had to come home to shovel 20" of snow....

More pictures to come in the next few weeks!
For now I'm busy making a Blurb book of the trip!


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