So instead of wasting my time writing everything out, I will just direct you here. If you are just beginning and want to know how to shop at Walgreens check it out!
Let me know if you have any questions...I will be glad to take a stab at them!
Here is our Meal Plan for next week!
Monday-- Tomato Soup with grilled cheese
Tuesday--Meatloaf, potatoes, and veggies
Wednesday--Mac and cheese
Thursday--Chili over baked potatoes with sour cream and cheese!
Friday-- leftovers or out
Saturday-- Homemade pizzas
Sunday-- Whole chicken fryer in crockpot with potatoes and veggies
So what's your grub plan for next week??
Again I only looked briefly over the ad so here are the couple things I see. Mostly meat ...
Jacks pizza 4/$9.
Milk includes chocolate 5/$7. or 3/$5. depending on your area
Beef chuck roast $2.17 /pound
Hamburger $1.97/ pound
Tyson whole fryer 50% off
I am hopeful that next week will start some great ads and coupon matchups! The last couple weeks have not been impressive! We shall see...
I won't be making a trip to Meijer again this week because of New Years and we have our last Christmas Thurs-Fri. I hope to be back into the full swing of things next week!
I did look very briefly over the ad, here is a couple of things I see...
General Mills cereal 5/$9.- $1./2MQ= $1.30 per box
Lays Chips 1/2 off
Mac & Cheese b3g3f (buy 3 get 3 free)
Cool Whip 2/$3.- $1./2 MB = $1. each
What do you see?
Not a real exciting week...Here's the few items I see
Contour Monitor 14.99 -$14.99MQ = FREE get 5 ecb back MM! limit 1
Natures Bounty vitamins b1g1 + get 3 ecb back on wyb2... prices start at 4.99 -$1.MQ-$1.MQ= 3.00 get 3 ecb back = FREE...says limit 1 but my reciept doesn't say limit reached.
Colgate 2.99 - 1.50MQ= 1.50 get 2 ecb back ... .50cent MM limit 2
Check out Iheartcvs to see all the deals and ad scans
So that's it...What did I miss?
Have a great week!