Menards has 3 possibly 4 FREE after rebate items this week!
This ad is good through 12-6
To see last week's ad go here
It's also good through 12-6

Mini Light Set -- FREE after $2.00 Rebate -- limit 5
Automotive Air Freshener -- FREE after $1.00 Rebate -- limit 4
2" Handi Clamp -- FREE after $3.00 Rebate -- limit 4
Possibly FREE...
2010 Big Coupon Booklet -- This is the one I'm unclear about --
it says in the ad Save $10. after Rebate-- and the book says
$10. Each -- So if I'm reading that right, it would be FREE???-- limit 10
Anyone else know if this is for sure???
It's on the back cover...
Edit -- I just got back and the books are
$35. - $10. Rebate = $25. (I didn't get one!)
St Ives Lotion -- $1.97 after $1.00 Rebate -- limit 4
($1./1 MQ in 11/15 SS Insert = .97 after Rebate and MQ)
sorry I edited this (my brain wasn't working when I suggested
it might be free after$1.MQ!!
Razor Knife -- .49 cents after $2.00 Rebate -- limit 2
Softsoap - .98 cents
(some coupons out for this - mostly home mailers)
When you purchase the freebies, you must purchase an additional $10. of non-rebated items per transaction to qualify for the rebate. You can get as many freebies as you want per transaction with only one $10. additional purchase. ((**You can get a $10. Gift card if you don't need anything right now!**)) Your rebate will come in the form of a Merchandise Check. Which means you must spend it at Menards, (I just use mine for more freebies!)
It's been reported that you do not have to spend the $10. and you will still get your rebate. Since the ad says you're supposed to I still think we should as to not take advantage of the program. You can use your own judgement! Thanks for letting us know!
You do not need to purchase any additional $$ if you are only getting the rebated items that are not free.
To learn all about Menards and how to send in
Just leave a comment if you have a question
or see another good deal..
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