Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy 12th Birthday, Malachi!

Today my oldest turns 12!
**Yikes teenager fast approaching...
Man how time has flown by!

We're so proud of the young man you're becoming.
You have such a compassionate heart and a great love for Jesus.
Happy Birthday, Malachi
We love you!


Cara (aka Temberton) said...

Happy Birthday to Malachi! My oldest is 16. Yikes! They grow up so fast!

Mominin said...

Happy Birthday, Chi!!! Hope you had a great day. I love you!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Chi! Deklyn says he hopes you had a good day! Love you!!!

Genesa said...

Happy Birthday Chi! I can't believe that you are 12. WOW! It seems like just yesterday you were born. I hope you had a great day yesterday! I love you buddy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new TWEENIE in your house, Megan!

(A longtime follower of your Menard's special listings -- I've been giving away sets of paintbrushes, saws, hammers, and all sorts of nice home toolbox basics as housewarming gifts ever since discovering your posts!)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am a new follower.
I have blogged about your linky here:


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