Thursday, December 16, 2010

Get to Meijer for CHEAP Olive Oil!!!

We try to only use olive oil, butter, or coconut oil at
our house. None of which is cheap...
So when I saw that Meijer (yea I still keep an eye on them esp.
when I'm going to be in town anyway!)
had their Pompeian Olive Oil on sale 50% off ($2.99)
stacked with a Mealbox $2. coupon (unlimited prints)
Makes them .99 cents for a 16 oz bottle of
Extra Virgin Olive Oil!

And if that's not cheap enough you
can print this coupon and get 1-2 for FREE!!
with the $1./1 MQ
For that price I'll even overlook the plastic bottle (grrr)

I had 1 - $1. MQ and 6 Mealbox coupons
so I paid $5.00 for 6 Olive Oils!!

Also in picture is Campbells Mushroom soup
on sale for .59 use $1./4 MQ printable here.
Total for 8 was $2.72 (.34 each).
I don't use these very much but they're handy in
a few meals I occasionally make!

Oh and the Red Wine Vinegar was on sale for $1.89
use a .50/1 Printable here, doubled made it .89 cents.
I love to use this in one of my chicken marinades!

Not pictured was 2 - 3 packs of yeast
On sale for .99 cents - .40 MQ doubled = .19 cents each!

Total at Meijer was around $9.00
It felt pretty good to use some coupons today!!

If you want to see all of their deals this week
Visit Bargains to Bounty!

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