This is my hubby (left) and my BIL (right)
cooking 1/4 sausages for lunch.
We took off to a state park during vacation and thought we packed
everything to make sausages on a charcoal
grill... Turns out we forgot something to turn them with!
Of course the guys took care of that NO PROBLEM!!!!
Arn't they great!!!
I think men have that natural instinct for improvising in the outdoors. I bet you all had a fun time!
Good job guys!! We would have been awfully hungry if they hadn't improvised.
Great picture!
By the way, I love your blog and you put so much time and effort into educating your readers!
Congratulations .... I gave you a "One Lovely Blog Award" for your hard work and effort! You can see the award on my blog. :)
~ Elizabeth (AKA The Thrifty Diva)
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