My baby fell on our metal Stairs this afternoon and
it required 5 stitches at the ER....
I looked it up and it was around 11 months ago that
he visited the ER for stitches in his lip.
Oct. 25, 2008
Did I mention that none of my other 3 kids
have ever had stitches from an injury before....
HMMM... Is it just 4th child or is this kid just that good?!?!?!?!?
Yeah, I just heard about this. Sorry....what a bummer esp. on your b-day! I hope he's not in to much pain!
Let's hope he's just really good, and it's not the 4th child!
Poor Shad!!! I think you just struck it rich with Shad - Jada has been fine so far! Did he do as well as last time? He looks like he's still in a good mood. I've always told you those stairs are scary - I guess I should thank Shad for proving me right!!
Yes he was an awesome trooper again!!
They gave me some numbing cream to put on for 20 minutes and then they gave him 3 shots. He just squeezed his eyes shut while I talked to him and didn't move a muscle. maybe cried 2 tears or so.
He had more of a problem when he saw the hospital. He said NO NO NO not that Dr.... I guess he remembered. He cried all the way in then I got him calmed down and he did awesome!!
Shannon, I thought about how you feel about the stairs. It took over 4 years for the first injury tho....
I'm pretty sure he's not in too much pain. I couldn't keep him calmed down all night. I think they gave him some hyper medicine or something!!!!
LOL...my fourth child (who was also our first girl, has been in the ER more than any of our other kids! Lets see...metal piece removed from her throat, glass removed from her foot, stitches in her face (that one was her brother's fault!), a couple of nasty virus' that were rather scary, and a cut lip from falling off the deck (fortunately no stitches). Oh, and did I mention she was also the only one so far to have fallen down our basement steps (all the way down) when she was 10 months old!
So...hmm...it might be a fourth child thing...or maybe just a clumsy, doesn't pay attention to what they are doing child thing. Of course I can only speak for my little girl on that one! I chuckle when she talks about wanting to be a ballerina!! :-) I hope your little guy is doing ok...and you too. I hate when my little ones have to have stitches!
Bless his heart! I'm glad he's doing better.
ahh! poor guy! I sure hope he wakes up still feeling good, you know next day aches =( My fourth kid doesn't necessarily seem more prone to accidents -- they share them equally LOL!
How do you do it?? :)
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