
You should have seen him later.
His arms were completely orange.
I decided I better for go the picture...
I figured that's why he did it again, he thought he was
cute since I took a picture the first time. (grin)!
Now you see what happens when I teach the
older 2 kiddos school for even 20 minutes!
Anyone else have this problem?!?!?!?
LOL Just like a boy. My son used to do stuff like that when he was little.
my son does the same thing-along with the walls. UGH!
Yep...very same problem...oh, and my little guy...still in his underwear today too ;-)!
Yes, with my 15yo daughter! well not belly and back art, more like hand, wrist and ankle.
When I first saw the picture I thought you little guy's belly had been face painted by someone older. It looked like a dolphin coming up out of the ocean.
Ack! Sorry for the typos/grammar!
I have to keep anything that might leave a mark up high....unless I am watching them.....
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