Edit -- Apparently this is not a valid deal
check out It's Hip to Save here for all the details.
Sorry for the confusion...
Awesome Freebie!
Check out See Here.com and you can get a
Free personalized Ornament!
Even Shipping is Free
I just ordered mine and they
didn't even ask for payment info
since the total was 0.00!!!!
Here's how
Go here to See Here.com and register (it's free)
Then click on the "Photo Gifts" tab and then on
the "ornaments" tab. Choose either the red or white
ornaments priced at $12.99
Then you can upload your picture and add text.
At Checkout (must be logged it)
Use code mallornament
The final price is FREE even S/H is FREE!!
I love True Freebies!!
Hurry it worked for me today but I have
no idea how long the code it good!
thanks so much
It's Hip to Save!
I heard about this last night and cannot wait to try it! I keep getting a system down for maintenence screen tho :(
I got that message last night then I tried it this morning and it worked. Keep trying!!!
It finally started working and now the code is no longer valid :( Too bad!
Oh bummer. Sorry it ran out for you...
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