Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Frugal Dessert Recipe

Coupon Inserts Sunday
5 coupon inserts in this Sundays Paper.
Great week to get started or if you're already started you might consider buying a few extras!
The only bad thing is going to be the time it will take to clip and file all those coupons!
But I guess thats what we want..lots of coupons!
For a list of all the coupons go here to TaylorTownPreview
Have a great week
Weekly Meals

Here is our Meal Plan for next week!
Monday-- Tomato Soup with grilled cheese
Tuesday--Meatloaf, potatoes, and veggies
Wednesday--Mac and cheese
Thursday--Chili over baked potatoes with sour cream and cheese!
Friday-- leftovers or out
Saturday-- Homemade pizzas
Sunday-- Whole chicken fryer in crockpot with potatoes and veggies
So what's your grub plan for next week??
CVS January Monthly

There is a few free items in the January monthly book at CVS.
For those of you who may not know, every month CVS has a booklet you can get in their stores. These deals are available all month. However you may not want to wait until later in month because they are know for being out of stock and sometimes don't restock!
Childrens throat cooler ice pops 6ct. -- 4.99 get 4.99 ecb= Free --limit 2
Use this coupon for b1g1 --buy 2 for 4.99 and get 9.98 ecb back!
Nasogel drip free gel-- 7.99 get 7.99 ecb back = FREE-- limit 2--Use this coupon for $2. MM
Nutra Trim gum--3.99 get 3.99ecb back= FREE limit 2
These are only the FREE/MoneyMaker items for a full list and ad scans go here to Iheartcvs
Daily Dose
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Kroger 12-30 or 1-1

Again I only looked briefly over the ad so here are the couple things I see. Mostly meat ...
Jacks pizza 4/$9.
Milk includes chocolate 5/$7. or 3/$5. depending on your area
Beef chuck roast $2.17 /pound
Hamburger $1.97/ pound
Tyson whole fryer 50% off
I am hopeful that next week will start some great ads and coupon matchups! The last couple weeks have not been impressive! We shall see...
Meijer 12-28

I won't be making a trip to Meijer again this week because of New Years and we have our last Christmas Thurs-Fri. I hope to be back into the full swing of things next week!
I did look very briefly over the ad, here is a couple of things I see...
General Mills cereal 5/$9.- $1./2MQ= $1.30 per box
Lays Chips 1/2 off
Mac & Cheese b3g3f (buy 3 get 3 free)
Cool Whip 2/$3.- $1./2 MB = $1. each
What do you see?
Monday, December 29, 2008
Daily Dose
Sunday, December 28, 2008
CVS 12-28

Not a real exciting week...Here's the few items I see
Contour Monitor 14.99 -$14.99MQ = FREE get 5 ecb back MM! limit 1
Natures Bounty vitamins b1g1 + get 3 ecb back on wyb2... prices start at 4.99 -$1.MQ-$1.MQ= 3.00 get 3 ecb back = FREE...says limit 1 but my reciept doesn't say limit reached.
Colgate 2.99 - 1.50MQ= 1.50 get 2 ecb back ... .50cent MM limit 2
Check out Iheartcvs to see all the deals and ad scans
So that's it...What did I miss?
Have a great week!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!

(I have 4, My sister has 3, and my brother has 4)

(They also have 2 on the way!)
(We have 4, hubbys sis has 4 +1 on the way, and other sis has 3 + 1 on the way!!)
Daily Dose
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Daily Dose
Monday, December 22, 2008
Meijer 12-21

I only glanced at the Meijer ad this week. I will not be making any lists or grocery shopping at all this week! We're just going to enjoy a wonderful Christmas week!
We'll see about next week I may be taking that week off from shopping too! I think we have plenty of food to get us by!
If you wish to see a few deals you can go here to hotcouponworld and check it out... Otherwise you're on your own!
Have a good week!
Daily Dose
Saturday, December 20, 2008
CVS Trip

Well I had no idea that Cvs started their sales on Saturday evening...Since this sale was so big they actually started it Saturday at 1pm at our CVS.
I was able to take advantage of the sale early thanks to my Mom and Sister calling me !! yay thanks!!
--Be aware that the ecb didn't print so they had to make them print which took a little time--
This will make tomorrow a little more relaxing. Just think no coupons to clip and no CVS run to make. This will be great to just stay home since the wind chills are suppossed to be -15 degrees BBBBBUUUUUUURRRRRRR!!
Huge CVS Week 12-21

There is $215. worth of free stuff and $33. in overage if you get everything and have the right coupons!
Better get started on those coupon match ups. I wonder if everything will be sold out early?
Free Coupons at Walmart!

The most exciting coupon is .50 cents off any cottonelle! yay more free TP!
Daily Dose
Verse 27
He answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and Love your neighbor as yourself.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Cookie Fun & Recipes

1 1/2 cups butter
2 cups white sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
5 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
Cream butter and sugar together then add eggs and vanilla.
Stir in flour, bak powder, and salt
Chill at least 1 hr.
roll out and cut. Bake at 400 for 6-8 min. Do not overbake
Makes aprox 5 dz. depending on the size of your cut outs
Frost, decorate, and enjoy!!

I'd like to make some monster cookies and maybe my favorite oatmeal scotchies. We'll see if time and energy allows!
Daily Dose

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Free at Meijer
But You can get free cool whip this week at Meijer and make this!
You can try to get the coupon here(scroll 1/3 way down)....if this doesn't work...
Go here and register, then click the snowball cake recipe that is pictured under the first dessert tab (also pictured above). Scroll down about 1/3 of the way and click on the get cool whip coupon.
It will pop up a bricks coupon. use your back button to print a second one.
The coupon is for .50 cents off...So at Meijer it should double for $1. off...(Cool whip is .79cents this week)
YEA don't ya love FREE!!
btw- there is also a cream cheese coupon there too!
December 18th
Daily Dose
verses 16
"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.
We need to let our light shine for Jesus and tell others about Him. This is hard in our everyday life but for me I think my biggest ministry is to show my children Christ EVERYDAY!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Meijer 12-14
Anyway here's what I see...
Pillsbury cinn rolls 1.25- .30MQ= .65 each
Pillsbury cresant rolls 1.25 -.35 MQ= .55 cents
Kraft cheese 1/2 off
Green Giant Steamers .79- 1.MQ= FREE
Jet puffed marshmallows 1.18 -$1./2 MB= .68cents each
Betty Crocker frosting 1.50- .50 MQ= .50cents
Keebler graham cracker crust 1.33
Knorr sides $1. -.50/2 MQ= .50 cents each There is also a mealbox (MB) for this here
Juicy Juice 2.25-1MQ= 1.25
McCormick gravy packets .45cents- .25/2= .20each
What did I miss? What do you see this week?
Have a good week!
Weekly Meals
Mon.- Tacos with hard shells...does anyone else have these coming out of their ears.
Tues.-Lasagna, applesauce, and salad
Wed. Pancakes & Sausage
Thurs.- Christmas Day...Lunch --roast, potatoes, veggies....Dinner--Snacky foods and nachos
Friday and Sat.--At my parents..we always have a two day event--I will be bringing lots of goodies!
So whats your Christmas week look like?
Daily Dose
verse 23
Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me."
verse 47
Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven- for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little."
Monday, December 15, 2008
10 days...

Daily Dose
Verses 27-28
"But I tell you who hear me; Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
verse 37
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn , and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
December 13
Daily Dose
verses 31-32
Jesus answered them, " it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
CVS 12-14
Sunday and Monday only sale...doesn't look to inviting....but they are FREE!!
Nova Max Monitor 9.99 get 9.99ecb back= free
Earinse seawater rinse 9.99 get 9.99 ecb back= free
Sleep md 10ct 7.99 get 7.99 ecb back = free
all week...
Bayer Contour Meter 14.99 -up to $30 MQ= FREE plus get 5ecb back limit 1
Colgate 2.99- 1.50 MQ ( go here and scroll to where the toothpast is listed for printable)-- Also CRT for $1.--get 2 ecb back---so possible .50-1.50 overage--limit 2
Pepsi 12 pack 4/$13. get 3ecb back---if you want pepsi one go here for $1.MQ limit 1
To see all the deals and ad go here.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Love Icecream???
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Weekly Meals
Mon. --roast, potatoes, carrots in crockpot
Tues. --Pizza casserole in crockpot
Wed. --Potato soup and bread--carried over from last week
Thurs.--Chili and baked potatoes
Fri. --Out or leftovers
Sat.-- Homemade pizza
Sun.--Whole fryer chicken in crockpot, potatoes, and veggie --also carried over from last week.
For all these meals I have to buy pizza sauce, potatoes, and roast.
I got to carry over 2 meals from last week since we had a Christmas party and shopping that I didn't account for!
So what are you eatin'?
Kroger 12-11
Here's what I see...
Fleischman yeast 10/10 -.45MQ= .10cents --not sure on this --might need to price check
Milk 1/2 gallon 1.25 each. includes chocolate
Daisy sour cream 10/10 -.50MQ= free
Pillsbury grand bisc. 1.33-.25mq= .58cents
Pillsbury sweet rolls 1.33-/30mq= .43
Pillsbury crescent rolls 1.33-.35 mq= .33cents each
Country Club icecream 1.75quart 10/10....good deal on icecream
Tortilla chips kroger brand 10/10
kroger pop tarts 10/10
There are more items included in the 10/10...check it there ad at Kroger.com
Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Daily Dose
verses 21-22
When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love, with you I am well pleased."
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Walgreens 4 day Sale
Here is the ad and the complete listings...Here is what I'm hoping to do!
trans. 1
4-Hersheys minis --4 bags for $10. --get a $5. rebate back
12-Pepsi 2 lt. --4/$5. ---spend $15. get $5. RR back (register Reward)
6-Vancamps Beans--.39 each with in-ad coupon $2.40
-1.50 hersheys MQ
$25.90 spend $25. get $5. RR
trans. 2
3-Reynolds wrap .99 - $1. MQ= free--need in ad Q
1-Bald guys stuff 4.99 ---get $4.99 rebate..buying this to change the RR to a Rebate...
3-Jiffy Muffin Mix .39--$1.20/3--need in ad Q
2-Arm and Hammer Laundry Det.--1.99 - $1.MQ= 1.00---$2/2-- need in ad Q
1-Domino sugar 1.99-- need in ad Q
2-Scotch tape 3 pack--2./$2.- $1.MQ= $1./2----get $2. rebate back
11.18 total
So all together I will pay around $27. with my gift card and get $12. in rebates back on my gift card.
So $15.xx for
3 Reynolds wrap, 1 bald guys, 3 jiffy mixes, 2 laundry det., 1 bag sugar, 6 rolls tape, 4 bags of candy, 12 -2 lt pop, 6 cans van camps!!!
I thought that was pretty awesome!!! especially since I spent $0. of real money!!
Daily Dose
verses 10-11
But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you he is Christ the Lord.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Meijer 12-7
This is what I see...
Coffee mate .99-.50mq = free
Kleenex 4/$5. -.50/3 doubled= .92 cents each when you buy 3
Kelloggs cereal 1.88 - $1. printable= .88
Meijer chips 1.59
Motts for Tots apple juice 64oz. $2. - $1.MQ= $1. each
Eckrich franks 2/$3. - $1./2 MQ= $1. each
Land-o-lakes butter 5/$5. -.55MQ= .45 cents each
I'm sure theres more, but that's all I see for now.
Stay tuned for Kroger this week it looks like there is a 10/$10 sale!!
Hot CoCo anyone??
Daily Dose
Verse 30-32a
But the angel said to her, " Do not be afraid, Mary you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
CVS and Walgreens 12-5
I'm sure you've already looked at CVS and Walgreens but just in case here's Money Saving Moms link to CVS and Walgreens.
Hope to post some deals again soon!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Daily Dose
chapter 16 verse 15-16
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Groceries this week

$7.97 at Aldis
$26.35 at Meijer
$14.77 at Kroger
$11.xx at kmart earlier in the week--not pictured
$0.00 at CVS used all ECB --not pictured
$0. at Walgreens--skipped them completely this week!
$60.xx total...I had $60. in my budget this week instead of $55. since I didn't buy the Chicago papers on Sunday. This worked out really well with the Kmart sale!!
Hope you're having a great week!
Daily Dose
verse 62
" I am," said Jesus, "And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven."
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Meijer 11-30
Meijer isn't anything spectacular but there are a few deals!! here they are...
Kraft cheese 3/$6. buy 3 and get a free box of Ritz crackers
Mac and cheese b3 g3 free
Doritos 1/2 off
Kelloggs cereal 4/$10. I'm a little confused as to which cereals are included, it may only be Special K or Mini wheats. but if you buy any 4 cereals you get a gallon milk free. use $1./1 Kelloggs MQ to get 4 boxes cereal and 1 gallon of milk for $6.
coco wheats 1/2 off
Pop tarts 3/$4.= 1.25 - .55MQ= .70 cents per box
Also if you buy any 3 packs of Hanes socks or undies you should get $10. instantly at checkout. page 29 of the nonfood flyer! could be a good deal! It says some of the kids socks are 3.99. Which would be 3 packs for $2.
Let me know what I missed.
Daily Dose
Verse 13
"All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
here's what I got...

I paid 11.46 YYYAAAAYYYY!!
The most I paid for was the chocolate chips. I paid around $4. for those because I was getting low and I hate to be low for upcoming Christmas Cookies!!
Here's the run down if your interested. Remember they are doubling all MQ up to and including $2.00
free-- 2 Gillette body wash- 3.99-$2.MQ= free
1.16 -- 4 Vaseline lotion 3.29-1.50 MQ = .29cents each
free--3 emery boards 1.29 - 1. MQ= free
free-- 4 Revlon makeup 3.79 - 2. MQ = free
free---2 Tylenol --3.99 - 2. MQ = free
1.98-- 2 Reynolds foil 75' 2.99 - $1. MQ = .99 cents each
1.98 -- 2 - Dixie Plates 2.99 - 1.MQ = .99 cents each
free-- Pledge wipes 2.50- 2 MQ= free
free-- 4- Gummi Savers 1.79 - $1.MQ = free
4.00-- 3 bags Nestle chips --2.33-$1./3MQ -$1. instant savings at checkout = 1.25/bag
3.00 -- 6 boxes of cereal--2.50 - $1.MQ= .50cents each
2.38--2 boxes of pop tarts-- 2.19 - $1./2= 1.19 each box
Then I was also able to use a $5./$50. coupon from their website. So after tax of $1.94 I paid $11.46
They seem to be doing this double coupon event more often. So if you can't make it this week maybe you can catch the next one!!
Have a great evening!!
Weekly Meals
Monday--tator tot casserole and applesauce
Tuesday--Poor Mans Steak, potatoes, veggie
Wednesday--Potato soup and beer bread (sprite bread)
Thurs.--Spaghetti, cheesy bread, applesauce
Fri.--leftovers or out
Sat. homemade pizza
Sun. Whole chicken fryer in crock pot with potatoes and veggie
This week for all these meals I need to buy tator tots, string green beans, creme of mushroom soup!
What are you eating?? Anyone have a good potato soup recipe??
Walgreens and CVS
Daily Dose
verse 30-31
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all our mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."
Monday, December 1, 2008
Daily Dose
Mark chapter 11
Verse 24
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Kmart Super Doubles!
Kmart is having "Super Doubles" starting Sunday and lasting all week. That means they double all manufactures coupons up to and including $2.00. You can get some really good deals.
Here is a great list of items and prices that you can get with coupons this week! Thanks to Hot Coupon World for putting together the prices and deals!!
Here are the rules that I know of...
--they don't accept internet printables
--you can only use up to 4 of the same coupon in any transaction
--Limit of 75 coupons per day
Have fun...I will post a pic if I get there!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
CVS -- Black Friday!!
I'm not going to post each item but you can see a list of them here and the actual scans here! The list will also give you any printable links I mention below!
If you're interested here is a couple senerios I've come up with. These senerios are using a 10/50 crt that the scanners seen to be spitting out quite regularly. Hope you got one or two or three!!!
trans. 1
2.99 colgate
2.99 colgate
2.99 aussie
2.99 aussie
5.99 bic soleil
5.99 bic soleil
5.99 garnier towellettes
8.99 maybelline foundation (if you haven't already purchased this, it started sunday)
8.99 maybelline foundation (if you have you can replace it with the complete eye solution, but it will give you a bigger oop and less ecb.)
3.79 Sally Hansen nail color
-10/50 crt
-1.50 colgate printable
-1.50 colgate printable
-1.00 aussie
-1.00 aussie
-3. bic soleil
-3. bic soleil
-1. garnier
-3 maybelline
-3. maybelline
-ecb (however many you have)
total oop should be real low if you have any ecb already
get back 5.98 ecb colgate, 5.98 aussie, 11.98 bic soliel, 5.99 garnier, 17.98 foundation, 3.79 sally hansen....total of 51.70 back in ecb!!
2nd trans.
5.69 Johnsons soft lotion
1.49 gaterade g2
1.00 hersheys king size bar
3.99 5 hr. energy
6.99 headphones or remote
6.99 loreal lip gloss
6.99 loreal lip gloss
7.99 covergirl smoothers liquid makeup
5.99 covergirl smoothers powder
-10/50 if you have another
-1 printable johnsons- (I haven't tried to print this)
-1 loreal
-1 loreal
-1 covergirl
-1 covergirl
35. 10 (use ecb from other trans. can use 17.98, 11.98, 5.98 they might have to adjust but it should make oop $0. or very little!)
-35 ecb aprox.
aprox. $0. oop
get back5.69 johnsons, 4.47 gaterade, 1.00 hersheys, 3.99 5 hr energy, 6.99 headphones, 13.98 loreal, 7.99 covergirl, 5.99 covergirl total of 50.10 ecb back plus the 15.76 that you didn't use from trans 1 ....now you should have 65.86 in ecb
3rd trans. if you want to do another!!
8.99 Complete eye solution. this is limit 5 if you didn't do it in trans 1
8.99 same
8.99 same
8.99 same
8.99 same
6.99 headphones or remote (this is a limit of 2)
51.94 total
-10/50 if you have yet another...lucky you Danielle!)
-41 ecb aprox
little oop get back ---44.95 complete, 6.99 headphones total 51.94....plus 24.86 from previous trans. = 76.80 in ecb. WOW!!
the only bad thing with this last trans is that you end up with one ecb worth 44.95 ecb that you will have to use all at once. might be real hard to roll it but real easy to burn on something you need and you will still have 31.85 ecb if you burn the 44.95 hmmm does that make sense??
Disclaimer----if you are a newbie you may not want to try these transactions or please ask questions if something doesn't make sense!!
Have a great shopping day!!
Let me know what I messed up or if you have any questions!!
Daily Dose
verses 14b-15
He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
verse 27
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."
Monday, November 24, 2008
Kroger 11-20----11-26
Here is what I see
Redi-whip $2. -.50 tripled =.50 each
Green Giant Steamers $1. -1.Q= Free --put shortcuts Q on your card here for possible overage
Cottonelle .99-.25MQ =.25---add shortcuts to your card here
Kroger tortilla chips .99cents
Pillsbury frozen dinner rolls 1.99- .40MQ =.80
Kroger cheese shreds 3/$5.
Green Giant veggies 10/$10 -.50/2= .25 cents each---free if you use shortcut here
Kroger ground chuck 1.87/lb. my local butcher is too busy with deer so I'm back to buying meat at the grocery store for now..
Pillsbury sweet rolls 1.66- .30MQ= .76 cents
Turkey Hill icecream 4/$9. -$1./2 MQ= 2.00 each
Boneless beef roast 2.37/lb
Not too bad of a week at Kroger. Let me know what I missed. Looks like I'm grocery shopping on Wednesday again this week to miss the Holiday!!
Meijer 11-23
Cool whip 12 oz. 2/$3. - $1./2 MB = 1.00 each
lays chips 1/2 price
Meijer crushed pineapple 5/$4. not to bad if you need them
Kellogs cereal 4/$10 -$1/1 MQ = 4/$6 or 1.50 each not great but I think they are big boxes
Jacks frozen pizza 2.50 each -.75 MQ= 1.75
crisco oil 25% off -.45MQ= not sure how much these are
Domino sugar 2.50 -.50/2 doubled = 2.00 each
swanson broth 3/$2. -.40/3 mq= 3/1.20 or .40cents each
Like I said not real impressive...what have I missed???
Daily Dose
verse 35b
"If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."
verse 37
"Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me."
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Frugal idea--Cheese Sauce

Maybe everyone else already knows about this or doesn't like it for some reason but I was very impressed. This will be our new cheese sauce.
Daily Dose
Verse 10
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Daily Dose
verse 34-38
Jesus said "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels."
Friday, November 21, 2008
Chocolate Chip Muffins!

Daily Dose
verse 14-15
Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean' ."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Daily Dose
Verse 50b
"Take Courage! It is I. Don't be afraid"
verse 56b
They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched him were healed.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
"Couponing" part 2
So how do you "Coupon"? I'm sure there are many ways people do this, you really just need to start and give it at least 3 months to see how it works for you! I do believe that everyone can save a lot of money off their monthly budget with couponing. Even up to half off!
The best I can do is tell you how I do it. Then you can go from there and tweak it to fit your style.
First you have to start buying Sunday newspapers. I buy 4 each week. I buy 2 Chicago papers and 2 local papers. You will find that the "Big City" papers have more coupons in their inserts. It will take you several months to get your coupons built up but you can begin right away saving some money.
I have the two local papers delivered to my house. One subscription is 7.00 and the other is 6.00 for the month. Then I also spend $5./2 Chicago papers each week. So each week I spend about $8.25 for the 4 papers. This might sound like a lot but I have cut my grocery bill by over $200. per month. So it's well worth it for me!!
Second you need to clip all coupon in the inserts and file them away. Yes I clip almost all coupons. There are very few exceptions. Then find some way that fits you to file your coupons. There are many methods to doing this. I use a binder that has baseball card holder pages in it. Then I file them by category so I can quickly flip through the binder to find any coupon.
I will try to do a post about filing coupons sometime in the near future!!
Next you need to begin planning menus and stick with it. (You can see some of our menus here) As you build your stock it's best to make your menus around what you already have on hand. That way the majority of your budget can be spent on items that are on sale and you have a coupon for.
Then each week I spend a few hours (this can take a lot less time but I enjoy looking for the deals) looking at ads for the four stores (Meijer, CVS, Walgreens, and Kroger). I just look for items that I will use or can use that I also have a coupon for. Then I will buy multiples of that item so it will last for a while. It's amazing for the 8mo. I've been doing this that there is always several items each week very cheap or free. While I'm looking at the ads I just pull the coupons out of my binder and make a groc. list all at the same time.
There are several places that even do the research work for us!! Two big ones I check often are hotcouponworld and moneysavingmom
Then all that's left is actually doing the grocery shopping!!! It usually takes me about 2 hours to visit 3-4 stores. I'm not in any stores for very long since I'm not filling my cart completely up! That isn't much more time than it used to take me to go to Walmart and Aldis!
So for our family of 6, I have kept our grocery budget to $55. per week or $220. per month. This includes EVERYTHING except the Sunday papers. I used to spend around $450./month, I went over a lot and could only buy exactly what we needed (no stock)! It works best for me to simply get the $55. out in cash, that way that's all I can spend.
It's still amazing to me to see how our stockpile has grown and how our freezer has filled on this small budget.
If you have any question or if something doesn't make sense, please leave a comment or email me. You won't be bothering me! I'd love to help you save a lot of money on groceries!!
Groc. this Week
Anyway here is what I got (it's in 2 pics). Don't mind the little muchkin eating yogurt in the background. I was able to get 4 -6packs of Yoplait for free!! He had to start enjoying them right away!!

I also have spent a few dollars at CVS this week on milk.
Daily Dose
This chapter has several miracles that Jesus performed. His power is amazing!!
verse 34
He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you . Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
verse 36b
"Don't be afraid; just believe"
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Weekly Menu
Mon. Lasagna in crockpot, salad, applesauce
Tues. Meatloaf, potatoes, beans, veggies
Wed. Pancakes, eggs, sausage
Thurs. Thanksgiving meal at inlaws--not sure what I'm taking yet
Fri. *Shopping* --who has time to eat!! just kiddin'-- nachos and cheese & snacky foods (easy)
Sat. homemade pizza or book its from Pizza Hut??
Sun. Thanksgiving meal at my moms--not sure what I'm taking here either...
For this weeks meals I have to get cottage cheese, lasagna noodles, eggs, and cheese whiz. probably will pick up pizza sauce and pizza crust just to keep stock up.
Have a great week!!
Daily Dose
verse 40
He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
Monday, November 17, 2008
The First Snow~
Daily Dose
verse 29-30
But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin."
He said this because they were saying, "He has an evil spirit."
Verse 35
"Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother."
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Meijer 11-16
This is what I see... remember most Meijers double MQ up .50cents.
You can get additional coupons at their Mealbox site (MB) here just click on Specials.
Green Giant Steamers .89cents- 1MQ = free
Cool whip .89cents -$1/2 mb= .40cents
Progresso broth 3/$5. =1.66-$1./MQ= .66each
Meijer noodles 1.19 each --not great but I haven't found many deals on noodles..
Idahoan potatoes- $5./5- .75/3 printable =.75cents each
Pillsbury frozen grands bisq $2. -.40MQ= 1.20 each
Argo corn starch or baking powder 1.29- .45 MQ= .39 cents
McCormick extracts --25% off -.25cent MQ -$1/2MB= anyone know aprox how much this is??
Knorr sides $5./5= buy 5 and use .5o/2MQ, .50/2MQ, .60/1 printable, and $1./5 MB=1.40/5
Pillsbury pie crusts 2.- $1/2MQ -$1/2MB= $1. each
Ragu sauce- 3/$4.= 1.33 -.50/2MQ -$1./2MB= .33cents each
Pillsbury sweet rolls 4/$5.= 1.25-.30MQ= .65each
Pillsbury crescent rolls 4/$5.=1.25-.35/1MQ -$1./2MB= .05 each
Keebler pie shell- 1.33-.25MQ= .83cents
What do you see that I missed!! let me know in the comments
have a good week!

Zantrax 4.99 get 4.99 ecb
Loreal Age perfect 15.99 get 15.99 ecb $1.MQ
Duracell batteries buy $20. get $15. ecb...$5./2 CVS Q, .75 MQ prices vary from 5.29-9.99/pack
I did 2 transactions today because of the battery coupon and because I needed to use the ecb from trans 1 for trans.2
trans 1
5.99 duracell batteries
5.99 duracell batteries
15.99 loreal age perfect
-1.00 mq for loreal
-3.00 crt $3./15 purchase for cosmetics
-5.00 $5./2 duracell batt. CVS
-2.00 ecb
-2.00 ecb
-2.98 ecb
-4.00 ecb
-4.00 ecb
2.20 oop got back 15.99 loreal
trans 2
2.99 milk
2.99 milk
2.99 milk
5.99 duracell
5.99 duracell
1.99 chicago paper--they only had 1 for me at gas station this morning)
1.00 news sun paper--decided to buy an extra because the Q were pretty good this week-total 5 papers
-.75 duracell mq
-.75 same
-5.00 $5./2 duracell batteries...I found these above the display. I could hardly believe they were there. I rarely find tear pads at our CVS. make sure you look all around, I almost missed them.
-15.99 ecb
1.45 oop got $15.oo ecb back for batteries
so totals at the end---I spent 3.65 oop used 33 ecb and got back 31 ecb... 2ecb lost...so total oop and ecb was 5.65 for 3 gallon milk, 4 pack batteries, 2 papers, and loreal.
not bad...thanks CVS!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Daily Dose
Jesus said this to them when they saw Jesus eating with the tax collectors and "sinners".
Verse 17
On hearing this , Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
I think they forgot that we are ALL SINNERS... We are no better... we are just saved by the Grace and Blood of Jesus Christ our savior!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Groceries this Week
Here's what I got... it's hard to see it all, I will try to improve my picture taking skills. I'm not used to taking pics of groceries. I still can't believe I am!! But I like to see pics of what everyone else gets so maybe you do too!!

Kroger 16.44
Meijer 26.30
Walmart- Free (I got 11 steamers and 7 buddies for 0) I did get a new toaster and a birthday gift so my total wasn't actually 0---(My toaster finally died after 12 1/2 years...it was a wedding gift!! It had a long life!)
So my total was $48.99 plus a few dollars a CVS earlier in the week! yay another week in budget.
How did you do this week??
Daily Dose
verse 15
"The time has come, The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news."
Thursday, November 13, 2008
CVS - Black Friday
Here they are courtesy of I heart CVS
I won't take the time to list them but I just counted and there are 14 different items. Most are limit 1 but some are limit 2 and 1 is limit 3!!
There is also another item that is free after ecb and MQ
Can't wait!! I will post again with coupon matchups closer to Thanksgiving!!
Oh yea the sale starts Thanksgiving Day Nov.27-Nov. 29

I added this pic below because you know when you start in one closet, it kinda grows and you end up doing more. I was able to clear out 2 shelves in my coat/game closet! so I moved a bunch of stuff that I didn't know what to do with out of this pantry and into the game closet.

Hope you're having a great day!!